We pay our employees when they go outside and play. It’s a simple concept, but this lesser known program plays a significant role at our store.
For 25+ years we’ve incentivized our staff to get outside and explore the incredible spaces surrounding Aspen and the Roaring Fork Valley. Although the exact format has changed over time, the core concept remains the same. Pick an outdoor activity, take some gear, go adventure, snap pictures and write down some thoughts, share them with the store - get paid to play! Unsurprisingly, the program is quite popular amongst our staff.
Pay-to-Play is equally valuable for the store. It allows us to build authenticity and culture amongst our employees. Part of our mission is to “sell the equipment we know and use.” What better way for our employees to know a piece of equipment than to have used it in our own backyard. It also allows us to share their stories and knowledge with our customers.
We are fortunate to have a diverse customer base that ranges from first time users to world class athletes. We love having employees that reflect that same diversity in activity level and interests. While on Pay-to-Play outings, our staff have enjoyed the tamest to most daunting activities out there. Yet, the scale or intensity of the adventure isn’t the focus, but rather the experience and knowledge gained. Whether hiking in Hunter Creek or tackling a ski mountaineering mission on Castle Peak, there is an appreciation for the outdoors surrounding Aspen that we want to share with our staff and customers. Appreciation of the land leads to stewardship, another value of the Ute Mountaineer.
A relaxing lunch hike across town.
There’s something to be learned and shared from every outing, regardless of intensity.
Spring ski mountaineering in the Elk mountains.
So today we celebrate our tradition of Pay-to-Play. The employees past and present, adventures, laughs, failures, experiences, perfect gear, broken gear, trails, peaks, and people. Cheers to all of it!
We love to see and hear about our customers' playing too! Tag us on social or drop by the store with a great story.
@utemountaineer - #utemountaineer - #utepaytoplay
Think you might like to get paid when you play? Grab an application and let’s chat!